Reverend Andrew Norris is our Senior Pastor, and has been serving this congregation since 1996. He is a native of Wales, and received his theological education at Cambridge. He leads our worship services, and classes for adult Bible Study, new members, and confirmation.
Reverend Milton Berner has served our church since 2005. He is retired from full-time ministry and from his position as a Judge in Cincinnati. He ministers to shut-ins & members who are sick. He also preaches during services on a rotating basis.
The Church Council is the governing body of the church. It is responsible for overseeing committees and boards, as well as guiding financial and directional decisions. Council members are Lisa Hays (Chair), Gary Kelm, Patty Resendes, Mike Hill, Jim Cropp, John Reilman, and Pastor Andrew Norris.
The Board of Elders works to ensure the spiritual health of the congregation including its worship, Bible study and prayer life and encourages steps to improve the discipleship.
The Elders are Jim Cropp and John Reilman (head Elder), Rob Kelm, Robin Hunt, Ryan Resendes, Brad Hill, Brian Schweikert, and Bruce Werner.
Lisa DeStazio, the office manager, is an integral part of our church operations. The office manager helps to keep members informed and serves to ensure that day-to-day church business is conducted efficient and accurately. She always has the most current information about programs and events.
Christ Lutheran Church is blessed to have an amazing organ, which is played each Sunday by the very talented Susan Velichko. She has been playing at Christ Lutheran for many years. Susan also leads the youth choir and teaches music for Sunday School.
Christ Lutheran Church
3301 Compton Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45251
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