Sunday Mornings 10:00
Wednesday Evenings 7:00
Our Sunday services are broadcast live! Join us online and participate from home.
Broadcasts are archived, so you can watch later if you miss a service.
The order of service, prayers and prompts are on monitors in the sanctuary and are broadcast through livestream.
On Sundays, children are invited to participate in learning designed for them. While the congregation hears a sermon, children learn the day's lesson with a story and craft or activity.
This program is designed for preschool through second-grade students.
Our Sunday morning worship services include lots of music, traditional liturgical formats which vary from week to week, and a sermon. We offer Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of each month and at every other Wednesday evening service. The Wednesday evening worship service is less formal...more "Bible Study" in feel.
Holy Communion is offered to all members and baptized visitors who believe, as we do. This includes the body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine and are willing to forgive others as you have been forgiven. Unconfirmed children and adults can come forward during Holy Communion and receive an individual blessing.
Most people show respect for God's house by dressing neatly, but jeans and sandals are also welcome!
There is a nursery for children 4 and under during the worship services for those families who choose to use it. "Busy Bags" are available for young children who are in the pews. Each Sunday, one of the pastors or a lay leader offers a Children's Sermon in a separate room during the Sermon portion of the service. Older children participate in the worship services as acolytes, readers, and/or ushers.
We are a very musical congregation! The choir sings every other week and the congregation sings a combination of traditional hymns and newer songs. On special occasions there is special music....perhaps trumpets, strings, or bells.
There are parking lots on both the street side of the church and behind it. Park anywhere you like! A few spaces are reserved nearest to the main doors of the sanctuary for those with mobility challenges.
Our congregation offers a wide variety of smaller group classes and activities so that everyone can find his or her place. Bible Studies are held Sunday mornings at 9:00 and on Tuesday evenings online. Social groups for children, youth, young adults, older adults, women, and seniors each plan fun activities on a monthly basis. We also participate in service projects on a regular basis, including Hands Against Hunger and Matthew 25. Our choir is open to anyone who likes to sing. Children are encouraged to join the Junior or bell choirs.
Christ Lutheran Church
3301 Compton Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45251
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