Following the curriculum of Enduring Faith through Concordia Publishing House, teachers guide students through weekly lessons based on Bible stories and concepts.
Our youngest children (preschool and Kindergarten) are grouped into the Early Learners class. Children learn about faith through Bible lessons designed to meet them on their level with sensory activities, songs and crafts. Students are exposed to the concepts of God’s unending love and His plan for us. They learn that as Christians we follow what Jesus taught us; loving our God and loving our neighbors.
Our Elementary class advances into discussions of Bible stories and concepts. This class teaches children in 1st through 6thgrades through activities, crafts and stories to deepen understanding of the Bible and faith. Students also correspond regularly with two impoverished children living abroad through sponsorships with Compassion International.
Our Youth Group is for middle and high school students. On Sundays, students meet to discuss a weekly reading and to learn together though sharing and applying the Bible to today’s challenges. Youth Group also meets monthly for community building evenings of fun and faith.
Any questions about programs for youth or our Sunday School can be sent to our office manager.