Christ Lutheran Kid Gym is an indoor play program designed for infants to 6-year-olds. Kid Gym is every Tuesday and Wednesday from noon to 2pm starting in January thru mid-March.
It is a safe place for your child to run, play and imagine with other children. We provide a spacious indoor area with developmentally appropriate equipment that encourages physical and imaginative play. This is a non-instructional program, so children are not guided in any structured activity but encouraged to play freely. An accompanying adult must remain with the child(ren) at all times.
All those who are able are asked to please give a donation to the program upon admission. We recommend $5 per family each week.
Kid Gym will be CANCELLED if Northwest Local School District is closed or delayed.
If you have any questions, please call 513-385-8342 or contact Melissa Alcorn at .