Located on Zoellner Road, just south of Compton Rd, 65 plots will be cultivated during the 2022 growing season by members of the Colerain community and members of the church. Currently, all plots for 2022 have been reserved, however there is a waiting list.
To join the waiting list, please call the church office at 513-385-8342 or download the application form below. Completed application forms can be mailed to the church office (3301 Compton Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45251), or contact the garden leader at 513-403-9548.
Plot Fees are: 10' x 20': $20/year 20' x 20': $40/year
10ft x 20ft = 200 square feet
Best for: New gardeners, singles, couples, and other busy people
Estimated labor: 3-5 hours/week of weeding, watering, harvesting
Example of what can fit in a half plot (ALL of the following):
20ft x 20ft = 400 square feet
Best for: People with experience gardening, families with children, people who want to try canning/preserving excess produce
Estimated labor: 6-8 hours/week of weeding, watering, harvesting
Example of what can fit in a standard plot (ALL of the following):
Christ Lutheran Church
3301 Compton Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45251
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